How to change a user’s password?

Note: Administrative users can change the password only for Shift View users. This means that Office users, Factory and Company administrators can and should change their password themselves.

<aside> 👉🏼 Please avoid using special characters in passwords.


Shift View users

Factory and Company administrators can change a Shift View user’s password from Settings:

  1. Go to Settings and open the Users card.


  2. Find the user account and click on the edit button to open the edit view.

  3. In the bottom, click on the "Change password" button.


  4. Enter the current password.

  5. Enter the new password, confirm it, and click "Save".

If the password is forgotten, Shift View users need to turn to administrative users who can reset it for them if the e-mail used for the account is the administrator's e-mail (see below).

Office users, Factory and Company administrators

Office users, Factory and Company administrators have 2 options when it comes to changing their password

The first case applies when the user has access to Evocon and they wish to change their password (no recovery needed). Office and administrative users can change their password from their own profile settings in Evocon:

  1. Open the profile settings


  2. Under Security section, click on the "Change password" button:


  3. Enter the current password, then the new password, confirm it and click "Save".