For all standard reports, it is possible to display data based on different x-axis factors (for example shifts or stations). This granularity variety can be very useful when looking at the same data from different angles and also to just improve the data readability.

This drop-down can be found in the top right corner of the chart area:

It is also possible to choose how the data is aggregated on the charts based on the set time period - days, weeks, months or years. For example, when conducting an analysis of the whole year, you have the option to display data in months. This gives your team the flexibility they need to effectively analyze collected production data.

<aside> 💡 Note: if there are more than 30 data points for the selected time period, then the system will automatically switch to a higher time display option. E.g. data is displayed in weeks by default when you choose a two-month period to analyze.



For Downtime, Speed loss and Scrap reports there is also the option to change the data display by changing the values of the y-axis and add a secondary y-axis.


For example, you can view the chart by average duration or count, instead of duration.


And if you want to see both duration and count as y-axis, just add the secondary one:
