This is an automatic timer to take you back to the latest shift or notify you when a new shift started.

It ensures that in case users have been viewing older shifts in Shift View, they are notified in case a new shift starts or reminded to move back to the latest shift. The timer settings have been updated according to customer feedback, mainly providing more time before the timer is triggered.

The main features are:

  1. When a user is on the last shift and a new one has started meanwhile, they are redirected to the new shift without notification.

  2. For Shift View users, when they are on an earlier shift (not the last one), the timer is activated in 20 + up to 5 minutes and the notification is displayed when there is ≤180 seconds remaining. If the Shift View user clicks on the “Cancel” button, the notification is hidden and the timer is reset.

  3. For Office or administrative users, when they are on an earlier shift (not the last one), the timer is activated in 30 + up to 5 minutes and the notification is displayed when there is ≤180 seconds remaining. If the Office/admin user clicks on the notification, it is hidden and the timer is reset.

  4. The timer is only activated by changing shifts (from calendar or arrows in Shift View) and any interaction (click) will reset the timer.

  5. All users can always return to the last shift by clicking on the button in the top right corner of the Shift View: