Sometimes it is necessary to create similar reports with slight changes to each one - in this case, duplicating feature can help you out.

How does duplicating reports work?

  1. Open or create the report you want to duplicate.

  2. Click on the dotted menu icon in the top right corner and click on “Duplicate”:


  3. The duplicate is added under “Saved reports” section, marked with a star icon and number added to the name (1 if it is the first one, 2 if 1 already exists and so on). For example, here the saved report “Planned stops” was duplicated and so “Planned stops 1” was created:


<aside> 💡 Note: In case you make changes to a standard or saved report and then create a duplicate, the duplicate has all the (unsaved) changes without saving the changes to the original report.


How can I edit or delete the duplicated report?

Since the duplicated report is now a “Saved report”, you can follow the same steps as described here.