You can use this view to get a more detailed overview of your factory or quickly compare multiple stations in the same view. You can create from 2 up to 8 views on one screen, and a shortened URL (that you can copy while creating a grid) will make it easier to open it on other screens (such as a TV).
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Grid View can be created by Office or administrative users, meaning that Shift View users can not create it.
Open “Grid view” from the main menu
Select the grid you want to create
Specify the view for each spot in the grid:
Click “Open”
This opens the grid view in a new tab. You can use the scrollbars for each view spot if needed (for longer shifts or to select a specific set of tabs)
Now you are also given the short URL you can use to show the same view in other devices. Copy it if needed and save the grid view as a bookmark on your browser, so you can access it anytime without needing to create a new one.
To close the grid creation modal, click “Cancel”