Stations can be organized into groups to have a better overview and offers the possibility to have your stations structured in Evocon.

How to create station groups?

  1. Go to Settings → Stations

  2. Click on the “+GROUP” button


  3. Give a name to your group and in case you have multiple factories, select the factory as well


<aside> ☝🏼 Note: Station group can only be related to one factory, so the stations in the group can only belong to one factory.


How to edit station groups?

  1. Open group view (from top right corner)


  2. Click on the editing icon in front of the group name


  3. Make the changes you need and click “Save”

How to delete station groups?

  1. Open group view (from top right corner)


  2. Click on the editing icon in front of the group name


  3. Click on “Delete” and confirm by clicking on “Delete” in the pop-up confirmation
