Speed loss in Evocon Shift View is marked as yellow areas which the user can comment. Knowing the exact reasons for speed loss is important in order to analyze OEE more holistically. This helps to create a more comprehensive view of production and its efficiency.

<aside> 💡 Please note that the first signal after a production stop never shows speed loss and it shown with the set target cycle time, because Evocon does not know the cycle start time, only the end time.


Adding reasons for speed loss

  1. You can click on any yellow area in Shift View and select the speed loss for commenting:

    Screenshot 2024-07-31 at 23.24.20.png

  2. You can see the selected time range in the popover. Click the "Add reason" button to add a reason to the selected speed losses.

    Screenshot 2024-07-31 at 23.27.00.png

  3. Choose the speed loss group and reason (and location if the feature is enabled).

    Screenshot 2024-07-31 at 23.46.16.png

  4. Add extra note (max 500 characters) for the stop if necessary or required.

    Note: Required extra note for a speed loss reason means that the specific reason requires a free text comment from the operators (e.g. reason "Other"). This can be set under Settings for each speed loss reason.

    Note: The last 10 used extra notes are displayed to the operator to make it easier to add repetitive notes (this data is stored locally in the browser, meaning that other users outside of this browser window can not see the last extra notes).

    Note: Extra note is indicated by this icon on the first speed loss of the commented segment:


  5. Click “Save” to confirm the selection.

Adding locations to speed loss reasons (optional)

If you enable locations for production stations then operators can register the exact place where the speed loss occurred.

  1. Select the time range of speed losses that you want to comment and add the location detail to.

  2. Choose the group and reason.

  3. Choose the location.

    Screenshot 2024-07-31 at 23.44.38.png

  4. Add an extra note if necessary.

  5. Click “Save” to confirm the selection.

Changing or removing speed loss reasons

  1. Click "Speed loss" in the bottom menu.

  2. Uncommented speed loss groups are listed under “Uncommented” tab.

    Screenshot 2024-07-31 at 23.33.56.png