Our Quantities report measures your production output and helps keep track of the total quantity produced and what your quality was during the selected time period. The collected information can be viewed from very different angles based on the selections you make for the x-axis and filters.
Quality is simply the proportion of actual production throughput that meets the customer’s specification and is right the first time.
The Quantities chart visualizes how production output has changed over time and helps you understand if what you are doing is helping increase output or not. The visualization of production output over time also helps to identify how seasonality affects your output and whether there are any patterns that might otherwise go unnoticed.
In addition to visualizing good quantity and scrap, we are also showing the potential on the chart. Meaning that the grey area represents the difference between ideal production (produced at ideal speed) and actual total production, indicating how much could have been produced in “ideal” conditions.
The data table in the Quantities report gives you information about the scrap, total quantity, what could have been produced (ideal quantity) and what was the potential, in addition to produced good quantity. For scrap and good quantity there is also the percentage, showing the proportion of each (from total).
Note: Please find the description of the general reports features here.