Metric for Improvement
In the "Tracking info and target" section it is possible to choose between "Average duration" or "Stop frequency" as the target metric:
- Average duration - this option tracks the average duration of the selected stop reason (per day or per stop).
- Stop frequency - this option tracks how often the selected stop reason occurs per day, so the metric is numerical not time input.
For the average duration, it is possible to set the period to either "Per day" or "Per stop" (if one stop reason is being analysed), but for "Stop frequency it is always set to "Per day".
Based on the selections you made above, you can define the target.
- In case you've opted to track average duration, you'll have to define the target in time (hh:mm:ss).
- In case you selected stop frequency as your improvement metric, then the target must be defined as a number (e.g. 5, which will be displayed as "5/day")