Predefined production stop reasons are necessary so operators can register information on why stops occur in the production process. This creates an important layer of transparency and enables manufacturers to understand the reasons for production downtime and why OEE losses occur.
Before production stop reasons can be defined in Evocon, stop groups need to be created. The most commonly used groups are organisational stops, breakdowns, planned stops, maintenance, other etc. Once stop reasons are defined, operators can start adding them in Shift View. Follow this link to learn more.
Go to Settings in Evocon and click the “Stop reasons” card.
Click the „+ Group“ button.
Define a name for the group of reasons (e.g. Breakdowns).
Choose a colour for the group – this is useful when analysing the Downtime report as all reasons within one group will be displayed in the defined colour and you can easily spot which group of stops contribute most to production downtime.
Define the factories for this group or set it as global. The list of factories depends on the access permissions you have and which factories you have marked active while creating a new group.
Add translations if necessary.
Click “Save”.
To edit or delete comment groups, click on the group name and then the editing icon.
<aside> 💡 Please note that there can not be two identically named stop reasons.
Go to Settings in Evocon and click on the “Stop reasons” card.
Click the „+ Reason“ button.
Fill out the form:
Name – Describe a common production stop reason.
Group – Select a group for the stop reason.
Type – All unplanned stops reduce OEE (e.g. machine breakdown). For planned stops, it is possible to select whether they reduce OEE or not.
Stations – Select stations where the stop reason will be visible.
Include in OEE calculation - For planned stops, it is also possible to select whether they reduce OEE or not. By default this is set to enabled (does reduce OEE) when creating new stop reasons.
If this is changed, then historical data will remain as it is and the change is applied for comments added since the change is done. For example, if stop X was excluded from OEE calculation until Monday the 25th of November, then it will remain to show that in Reports as well (reducing planned time, not affecting OEE). And the newly added comments (with the “included in OEE calculation” set now) will show according to new setting (affecting OEE).
Include in technical availability – Enable "Include in technical availability" if this unplanned stop should be included in the calculations for technical availability. More info here.
Require extra note from operators – Enable this in case this stop reason requires a free text comment from the operators (e.g. reason "Other"). You can also set the duration for the stop from where the note is required.
Require location from operators - Enable this in case this stop reason requires the operators to specify a location (station-specific locations must be defined in the settings; otherwise, the stop reason cannot be saved on Shift View.).
Allow joining of multiple stops - Enable this in case stops that are commented with this reason, need to have the option to be joined as one. More info here.
Maximum allowed duration – Set the value for the maximum duration if necessary (optional). This feature is usually enabled for lunch breaks, planned cleaning, maintenance etc. More info here.
Add translations if necessary.
Click “Save”.